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Buy Plaques or Additional Trophies
Please note: if this is being shipped outside of the USA we may need to charge additional S&H. Plaques
In association with The Podcast Pickle, we're pleased to offer these very classy plaques. They're beautifully designed and reasonably priced, and are available to both winners and finalists. Visit this page to order directly from The Pickle. At these prices, you can afford two - one for the home and one for the office. Or three, even. Click here to buy a plaque. Graphics for Web PagesRight click and save the picture, then upload it to your site. (Please don't hot-link to these images.) Graphics for PPA 5
Graphics for PPA 4
Graphics for PPA 3
Graphics for PPA 2
Many Thanks to Andrew McPhee for designing these. Graphics for PPA 1
Add text under the image to show the category, like this:
The color of this text is #446689 Please link graphics to the home page of the PPA. If you're a finalist or a winner, feel free to use the graphic however and wherever you like - on your page, in your MP3 files, in promo materials, as an avatar, in the signature files in every forum you visit, painted on the side of your house, etc.