davehitt.com gives you four web sites for the price of one.
Along with The Hittman Chronicle, you also get:

The New Improved Quick Hitts Blog. With new articles several times a week,
this is the most frequently updated part of the site.

Your own portable Hittman helps you get Smartenized® on the go. New
shows every two weeks..
Learn the facts about Second Hand Smoke, and how to criticaly examine
medical studies of all sorts.
 US Players Welcome!

It's Time for a Little Less Tolerance

Just how sick is Sicko? Find out what Mikey left out of his movie.

They have such a fun name. Why are they such an anti-fun orgnization?

Reactions to woefully out of touch people.

America was a noble experiment. Unfortunately, the experiment has failed.

How the Hittman, while searching for podcasts worth listening to,
succumbed to the temptation to create his own.

Investigating medical claims can require a great deal of time and a degree
in epidemiology. But there is a much simpler way to figure out if claims
are legitimate or bogus.

Nicotine Nannies claim second hand smoke kills more than 65,000 people
every year. I contacted some of them and asked them to name three. They
were all tongue tied except for two, who lied.
We sell stadium names to the highest bidder,
why not do the same for members of congress?