The Hittman Chronicle

Down To Earth


In 1941 Robert Montgomery and Claude Rains starred in "Looking For Mr. Jordan." It told the story of a boxer named Joe Pendelton who was accidentally taken to heaven fifty years too soon. In order to correct the mistake, he was allowed to take over the body of Leo Farnsworth, a millionaire who was recently murdered. It was a pleasant little movie that no one paid much attention to.

In 1978 Warren Beatty and James Mason starred in "Heaven can Wait." It told the story of a quarterback named Joe Pendelton who was accidentally taken to heaven fifty years too soon. In order to correct the mistake, he was allowed to take over the body of Leo Farnsworth, a millionaire who was scheduled to die. It was a pleasant little movie that no one paid much attention to.

In 2001 Chris Rock and Chazz Palimnteri starred in "Down to Earth." It tells the story of a comic named Lance Barton who was accidentally taken to heaven fifty years too soon. In order to correct the mistake, he was allowed to take over the body of Charles Wellington, III, a millionaire who was who was recently murdered. It's a pleasant little movie that no one will pay much attention to.

© 2002 Dave Hitt

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