What Should Be At Ground Zero
By Dave Hitt on Sep 10, 2011 in Politics, Religion
The night after 9/11 I was too pissed and upset to sleep, so I got out of bed and made this, my response to the vile assholes who created this tragedy.

Click to Enlarge
We responded to the attack by eliminating a substantial portion of our bill of rights. It took us nearly a decade to hunt down the scumbag who designed the attack. And we still haven’t replaced the towers. The replacement we’re building features an 18 story concrete base, a bunker that screams “oh please, please don’t hurt us again.”
When it’s completed it will be the same height as the original two. It should be at least one floor higher.
This was my original post that day. I stand by everything in it, but would add one more thing: The middle tower should face Mecca.
Fair warning: I’ll be deleting any comments that spout Truther nonsense. This is one place they will not be allowed to commandeer the conversation.
Dave Hitt | Sep 10, 2011 | Reply