The Best Argument Against Intelligent Design

It’s extremely annoying that time and resources have to be wasted, over and over again, keeping IDiots thinly veiled creationism out of public schools.

You can spend forever explaining how evolution happened and why it may look like things were designed and blah blah blah, but it’s like trying to teach long division to a Golden Retriever. This is a much better approach.

1 Comment(s)

  1. On the contrary, looking at how incredibly inhospitable universe is and how even on Earth the odds are so strongly stacked against us, really makes me appreciate the beautiful, narrow, balance we live in.

    Also, I know some people that if they could talk without needing to pause for eating or breathing would never STOP talking at all ;)

    Also, for the record, even as a Christian I don’t think ANY science class is the place for intelligent design. I do think that a religious-views class (covering a wide range of religions, not as facts, but as belief systems) would be a positive addition though.

    Sam | Nov 22, 2010 | Reply

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