Surgeon General’s Warning: Congress Weasels at Work
By Dave Hitt on Aug 6, 2007 in Nanny Nation, Politics
As always, Congress Weasels are busy screwing smokers, and the latest round of molestation includes stronger warning labels. Farkers were invited to Photoshop what the new labels should look like, and some of them are pretty funny. Personal favorites:
James Bond on a pack with the warning “Smoking May Cause You To Be This Cool”
“Our product will eventually kill you. But at least it won’t nag you to death like a whiny, bloodless, shrunken girlie-man.”
On a pack of Van Gough cigarettes: Warning: Continued use of this product will cause annoying busybodies to nag your ear off…”
Find them all here.
Ah, those Farkers are a funny bunch. Some of them should get a job at The Onion.
Harley | Aug 12, 2007 | Reply