Sarah Palin Scares Me

A few years back the game “Would You Rather…” was inexplicably popular. “Would you rather have needles shoved in your eyes, or eat a dead rat that was rotting in a ditch?” The goal was to come up with the most disgusting selections possible. It was stupid, gross and pointless and I refused to play.

Now we have an official version: “Would you rather have a socialist president Sarah Palin Action Figurebacked by a socialist congress, or a right wing president in bad health with a far far far right wing fundamentalist vice president eagerly waiting in the wings?”

The vast majority of the problems in the US were directly caused by our government, including the current banking mess. Neither candidate is aware of this. Both propose more government to solve all our government created problems. It’s like a drunk saying “I know what will fix things, more Jack Daniels!”

Obama loves big government. He believes that every problem can be solved by government intervention. With a democratic congress behind him we can look forward to a lot more government, which equates to a lot less freedom. Currently the government pays half of the county’s medical bills. He doesn’t think that’s enough. He wants socialized medicine for virtually everyone. We can look forward to heath care that will eventually deteriorate to the level found in VA hospitals.

But as frightening as that may be, the possible alternative, a Palin presidency, is enough to make the bravest of us quiver like a poodle taking a dump.

She in incapable of learning. She still supports abstinence only sex education even though her daughter is living proof that the approach is useless. She looks at her daughters growing belly every day and says “Yep, we need to stick with this program.” If her daughter had been raped, she’d want the government to force her to bear the rapists child.

Fifteen seconds on Google informs us that the universe is 13.73 billion years old, +/- 2%. Sarah believes it’s six thousand. She believes that 1.4 million species of creatures all lived within walking distance of Noah’s house. And she wants that nonsense taught in public schools.

She believes politicians should be able to censor libraries. While she never followed through and banned books, the fact that the thought would even occur to her is chilling.

She believes that God wants everything she wants. She wants a pipeline, so God wants a pipeline. She supports the war in Iraq, and not surprisingly, she knows it’s God’s Will. This is especially scary coming from an end-of-the world fundamentalist. If she wants to attack a country, or even drop a nuke, she’ll do it knowing it is God’s Will. It’s unlikely she’ll be able to trigger the biblical Armageddon, but that might not stop her from trying. It’s God’s Will, after all.

So, “Would you rather have a socialist president backed by a socialist congress, or an unhealthy right wing president with a far far far right wing fundamentalist vice president eagerly waiting in the wings?” The choices are horrible, frightening and retarded, and I don’t want to play.

2 Comment(s)

  1. You left our that she is really anti big government and has no problems drilling for oil.

    I would happily have a creationist nut in charge that was prepared to take an axe to state bureaucracy and not pander to the climate change alarmists.

    SP is the lesser of two political evils.

    Lee Thomson | Oct 7, 2008 | Reply

  2. Even though I wouldn’t vote for either candidate (McCain or Obama) I really hope that McCain wins if only to make sure that there wasn’t a liberal majority. Other than that I think your correct in your observations. Too bad a majority of our presidents in the past have subscribed to similar philosophy’s. I am actually impressed that the constitution has been able to hold most of these nuts back while other parts of the constitution have been completely ignored.

    Tom | Oct 19, 2008 | Reply

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