Norman Borlaug, The Greatest Man in The History of The World, Dies

It’s been a busy news weekend.  Kanye West set a new record in his endless series of records for douchbaggery.  Serena Williams had a tantrum and discovered her inner child has a potty mouth.  And the demonstration in DC had the media fighting over who could do a better job of displaying their bias.  The right-wing media estimated a crowd size of approximately a bajillion, while the left-wing media put it closer to twelve.

And lost in all the hoopla was the story that a great man, perhaps the greatest man in all human history, died.

Mass murders and petty thugs become household names while the good guys are ignored.  Norman Borlaug is unknown to the masses, even though he’s saved an estimated billion people from starvation.

He did it through cross breeding grains to increase their yield, calorie content, and resistance to disease and pesticides.  He fought against bureaucracies and stupidity to get his grains to the farmers who needed them, and then to get fair prices for the farmers.  He ignored naysayers and merchants of doom, and worked harder than anyone else to make their predictions look foolish.  He also fought against the political problems that created starvation, fighting to make the greatest amount available via free market principles and practices.

As a direct result of his work countries once full of starving people are now food exporters.  He not only saved a billion lives directly, he saved even more through countries becoming prosperous and avoiding wars over resources.

He died Sunday, at the age of 95, while most of us were discussing trivia that will be forgotten in a month.

I didn’t form my opinions about him on my own.  I adopted them from Penn & Teller a few years ago, when I saw this segment of their show Bullhshit!  (NSFW).  I have to admit that before seeing this I had never heard of him either.

Here’s a short message from Norman:

And here’s an interview with him.

So here’s to you, Norman.  Perhaps future generations will give you the acclaim you deserve.  Until then, Smartenized people the world over will be raising a glass to your memory and celebrating your life and the billion other lives you’ve saved.

6 Comment(s)

  1. Dude, Beyonce’s video was way better. Probably one the best in history. Oh, and Gay Fish is a legend, he’s the idol of a generation.

    TLP | Sep 14, 2009 | Reply

  2. Thank you for posting this, it is such a shame that only a tiny fraction of the country will even know what a great person he was, even fewer will know or care that he passed away. It is a sad commentary on the state of our society.

    William Wangerien | Sep 15, 2009 | Reply

  3. Here in Australia Norman Borlaug’s death was on the news, all that other stuff I had no idea existed (and I still couldn’t care less about Kanye West or Serena Williams). Maybe this is a sad indictment of American news media or maybe I just don’t pay attention, I don’t know which.

    George Jefferies | Sep 15, 2009 | Reply

  4. Uh, how much did Monsanto pay the fat guy, otherwise known as Penn, to do this little bit?

    Kyhamoge | Mar 26, 2014 | Reply


    Kyhamoge | Mar 26, 2014 | Reply

  6. There are a few things one can always expect from a nanny/conspiracy theorists.

    The first is the shill accusation. Anyone who stands up to them will be called a shill. I’ve been called a shill for Monsanto for pointing out that GMOers are dangerously stupid, a shill for Big Pharma for pointing out that anti-vaxers are dangerously stupid, a shill for Big Tobacco for pointing out the lies of the Nicotine Nannies…

    Nannies use this tactic because their brain cell is so saturated with bullshit it isn’t physically possible for them to even conceive that someone might be smarter than they are, when just about everyone is, and so can’t understand how anyone could possibly see through the thick veil of bullshit they view the world through.

    Meanwhile, I’m sure you’ll be surprised to know, I have yet to receive a Shill Check from any of the companies/industries I’ve been accused of shilling for. Too bad, I could really use the money, but so far, I haven’t even received a t-shirt.

    The second thing that every nanny does is lie. Constantly. Constantly. Always and endlessly. I skimmed through that nonsense video you posted, stopping here and there, and every single time a lie popped up on the screen. Which isn’t surprising, as there are virtually no facts to support your case. There are, however, millions of dead people and blind people because of your crap, so you are not merely miss-informed, you are evil.

    Dave Hitt | Mar 26, 2014 | Reply

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