Internet Video – But First, a Word From Our Sponsor
By Dave Hitt on Dec 5, 2008 in Pop Culture
I visited the Discover site to see the outakes and extras for Mythbusters. Most were only a few minutes long, but every one started with a 30 second commercial that couldn’t be bypassed. I watched a couple of clips, and left, never to return.
I’m seeing this more and more on video sites. First it was pop-up ads. They’re annoying, but there’s usually a little X that lets you turn them off. But now sites are insisting we watch commercials before they bless us with their video. Screw that.
The one place I will put up with commercials is They play entire episodes of shows, and add one commercial where the show originally had commercial breaks. (They also have entire movies, but I haven’t watched any, so don’t know how they do commercials on them.) Most are thirty seconds long and some are only ten or fifteen. Occasionally they’ll offer the option of watching one sixty second commercial at the start of the show and then present the rest of it commercial free, which is pretty cool. It’s worth it to watch Babylon 5 or Arrested Development.
But for every place else, forget it. The internet is about choice, not force, and if you think you can force me to watch an annoying commercial before I can watch your short clip, you’re wrong. I’m outta there.
Hey Dave.
I am with you on this one! Great post!
Watching a 30 second commercial in front of a two minute internet video clip is going to annoy most people. I do not think this process will last, because people will not put up with it.
A better way to monitize your video is to use what You Tube is calling annotations. Other sites call them something else. Veeple is one of the biggest providers and they call them V-spots. These are clickable links within the actual video. They are easy to ignore and also easy to use so it puts the choice back into the hands of the viewer.
Great site you’ve got here!
Lorraine Grula
Lorraine Grula | Dec 7, 2008 | Reply
I usually deal with the commercials if they are quick(about 15 seconds) which it seems most of them are, 30 seconds seems excessive especially for a small clip.
What I hate most is that on some sites the commercials work but the videos don’t. I have been trying to watch the new Digitally master StarTrek TOS episodes over at and the commercials always seem to work but the videos are touch and go. I do however suggest you check them out if you like the TOS since the digital mastering is really good.
Tom | Dec 15, 2008 | Reply