EPA Buries Their Own Report on Global Warming
By Dave Hitt on Jun 28, 2009 in Big Brother, Junk Science, Politics
Among the many reasons I remain skeptical about Global Warming – excuse me, Climate Change – are the veracity and agendas of those promoting it. Government, non-government and quasi-government organizations (like the UN) are spreading fear at every opportunity while jumping on the chance to grow their power and income.
The EPA has been a junk science machine since the days of Carol Browner, who changed the mission from cleaning the environment to harassing business for sport and expanding their tentacles into every aspect of American life. Her administration released the famous second hand smoke “study,” which is a blueprint of how to turn a complete absence of evidence into a junk science proclamation that the mass media will lap up like a stray dog gobbling diseased rodent parts. It inspired a movement that has grown into an American Jihad against smokers.
The EPA has become a good “opposite barometer” to attach to your bullshit meter. If they say something is true, it’s probably a lie. And the concept of GW has them creaming in their jeans at the possibilities. They’ve expressed glee at the prospect of regulating everything, right down to the kind of lawn mower you can buy.
So it should come as no surprise that when a serious, non-crank report, (PDF file) created by their own staff, advised caution and discussed the possibility that the fear was unfounded, they buried it.   While they continue to whine about Bush suppressing their findings, it turns out they do a much better job of that themselves.
Obama claimed that the average American would not bear the brunt of this historic tax-increase… claiming instead that “It is paid for by the polluters who currently emit dangerous carbon emissions.â€
Just compare this outrageous falsehood to Ronald Reagans’ timeless wisdom:
“The most dangerous myth is the demagoguery that business can be made to pay a larger share, thus relieving the individual. Politicians preaching this are either deliberately dishonest, or economically illiterate, and either one should scare us.
…Only people pay taxes, and people pay as consumers every tax that is assessed against a business.â€
And after the way the rammed this through the House with little debate, without legislators even reading it… and while quarantining the GOP from any meaningful input whatsoever, any foolhardy individuals who still believe Obama’s threadbare “bipartisanship†spiel ought to have their head examined.
Reaganite Republican | Jun 29, 2009 | Reply
this is fuckin funny junk science sarcasm i like it
pirubia | Jun 29, 2009 | Reply
Can you imagine the job losses that would occur if the truth were known that it is the Sun that causes Climate change
Thomas Laprade | Jul 26, 2009 | Reply
Ronald Wilson Reagan is dead. Peace be on him.
Wake up and smell the coffee! You reaganauts
are all butthurt at being given a dose of your
own bitter medicine. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!
proud kuffar | Aug 27, 2009 | Reply
Global warming is real, weather changes are a fact that this is really happening.
Demi | Dec 31, 2009 | Reply
Re: Global warming/Climate change etc.
Exactly what facts do you want? That the glaciers and ice caps are not melting? That the sea levels are not rising? But those are facts. Perhaps there is some explanation other than global warming? What would that be, then?
The fact that some people like Al Gore are making money from it doesn’t change the facts. It adds the fact that Gore, along with other people are opportunists. Of course he won’t debate it because he is not a scientist and not equipped to do so. He is simply an opportunistic politician (a redundancy, I know) that serves as a front man because of his visibility and it does make money for him. Evidence of his hypocrisy is in his personal lifestyle of a 20,000 sq ft house, executive jet travel, and other environmental sins.Â
Nonetheless, AG’s hypocrisy and opportunism doesn’t change the facts of global warming. His inability to debate it doesn’t alter the fact the there are plenty of real scientists qualified to do so and that are debating it every day. So are the proponents of alternative energy sources scammers? Some are, no doubt. Follow the money. Others are only misguided and painfully unaware of basic physics.
The total causes of global warming are not totally clear. Even ardent supporters of it concede that. That the exponentially increasing use of energy by humans is at least partially to blame is also clear. What I believe is that a total change from fossil fuels is not the answer. That ignores the law of conservation of energy. All energy use, from whatever source eventually becomes heat. If every car, bus, boat, train, and even plane in the world were powered by electricity created only from wind, hydro, and solar sources, it would not reduce the heat output by any significant amount. It would only shift the cause from one thing to another. Nor would using hydrogen be any different.Â
All of these sources create heat when making electricity. A generator or electric motor becomes hot when turning. A battery becomes hot when charging or discharging. Manufacturing any of these creates more heat as well as chemical pollution. The big thing is heat pollution. So what’s the answer to that? Let’s look at the problem. More and more people using more and more cars, refrigerators, TVs, computers, etc.Â
As the global standard of living rises, as it is in the most populated areas like China and India, the energy consumption also rises.
The solution? Fewer people. Reduce the seven billion people on the planet to three or four billion and most of the problem disappears.   How do we do that? By genuinely having a separation of church and state, something that certainly has never existed in the USA or most of the world. Religions that promote endless reproduction are not only self-serving at the expense of humanity, they are contributing to the destruction of the environment as we know it.
As I have said many times, most of the problems of the world are, and always have been, caused by religion. Add to those crimes, the destruction of the environment.
James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil | Feb 14, 2010 | Reply