Category: Religion

Attacking Scientology – Turning the Tables »

The internet is abuzz with the tales of Anon/Anonymous, a group of hackers who promise to drive Scientology from the internet. They’ve been going after Xenu’s sites with Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, and in the process managed to take a site belonging to a Dutch school. There’s a lot of conversation in lots of […]

Jews Cause Global Warming »

No matter what the problem is, sooner or later someone will Blame The Jews. In yet another example why it’s so difficult to write satire in this world, a group calling themselves “Green Hanukkah” is calling on Jews to combat global warming by lighting one less Hanukkah candle. Each unburned candle will save a whopping […]

For the Children »

It’s becoming more and more difficult to write satire in this increasingly bizarre world. As an example, how can you possibly make this headline any funnier:  Catholic coloring book warns US kids of pedophile priests At least, someone on Fark noted, it’s not a pop-up book.

Religion of Peace News »

You may already be following the story of Gillian Gibbons, the school teacher who asked her class of seven year olds to name the class teddy bear. They picked the name Mohamed. She was promptly arrested, thrown in jail, and told that she could get 40 lashes for such a heinous crime. She was trying […]

Is Our Children Learning? »

The AP reported that  Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter earmarked $100,000 of our tax money for the Louisiana Family Forum, which is headed by former political cronies.  And what does this fine group do?  They push creationism. That’s right, our tax money is being used to finance an organization devoted to making kids stupid.  And […]

“Religion of Peace” News »

A few years ago I saw a distinguished British actor expressing concern over Muslim the birth rates in the UK. The general population is having fewer and fewer children, to the point where they’re not even replacing their own population. The fundamentalist Muslims, however, are breeding at a prodigious rate – three times as fast […]

“Jesus Christ, I Missed.” »

In Denver a 22 foot statue of Jesus was struck by lightening. The bolt from heaven blew off its right arm and, for good measure, its left hand. “Don’t look for any religious symbolism here – it was only a freak act of Mother Nature, says Sister Ilaria.” Really? I’d be willing to bet a […]