Category: Police State

Drop Those Chips and Put Up Your Hands »

North Carolina police staged a military style raid to protect the pubic from….a poker game. After wasting taxpayers’ money with a ten month investigation, they burst into a home poker game and arrested 27 people, including an assistant prosecutor.  They confiscated all the money they could find, including, according to one report, cash that people […]

More Homeland Stupidity »

If you want to go fishing in any of the Great Lakes, be sure to have your passport. And to fax in all your ID info to customs an hour before you leave. And then visit customs afterward to have your photographs taken, along with a sliver of your dignity. These are new rules to […]

Swearing at Dogs is Now A Crime »

In yet another example of police state extremes/stupidity, a man who swore at a police dog has been charged with animal cruelty. “Police say Rogers yelled an obscene statement in the window as he walked past a patrol vehicle that contained a patrol dog “causing (the dog’s) behavior to become overloaded, tormenting the dog,” the […]

Pediatric Narcs »

When Michael Graham took his daughter to the pediatrician for a routine checkup, he wasn’t expecting that she’d be grilled about his drinking. He didn’t expect the doctor would ask his kid if he and his wife got along well, or if either of them used drugs, or of he made his daughter “feel uncomfortable”, […]

Reason # 5,987 and # 5,988 to Hate The Government »

The next time one of your fellow United Statists says “It’s a Free Country” show them this article. And if they keep babbling, show them this one.