By Dave Hitt on Jun 10, 2007 in Big Brother, Nanny Nation | 2 Comments
One of the most insidious problems with socialized medicine is usually overlooked: It gives the lifestyle nannies a very potent way to control everyone else. Anyone who makes choices the nannies disapprove of will find their medical care delayed, and maybe even denied. This has been going on for quite a while in England, where […]
By Dave Hitt on Jun 3, 2007 in Nanny Nation | 3 Comments
Five students at the Galesburg Illinois high school have been denied their diplomas, not for anything they did, but because people in the audience had the audacity to cheer when they walked across the stage. Clarke Campbell, president of the Indianapolis school board, defended the idiocy. “It’s an important, solemn occasion,” he said. “There’s plenty […]
By Dave Hitt on May 31, 2007 in Big Brother, Nanny Nation | 0 Comments
Nanny Nation Notification The Pig Party is one of the cruelest jokes played by frat boys. The winner is the brother who comes home with the ugliest girl. The appears to be a secret equivalent of that game among state legislators. The winner is whoever comes up with the most unworkable, unconstitutional and embarrassingly idiotic […]
By Dave Hitt on May 31, 2007 in Big Brother, Nanny Nation, Yeah - That'll Work | 1 Comment
Nanny Nation Notification The government of Massachusetts has always been long on big brotherism and short on brains. They continue in that tradition with a proposal to ban “junk” foods from high school cafeterias, vending machines, and get this: bake sales. Before mom can bring in her cookies or cupcakes, she’ll have to send them […]