Category: Nanny Nation

Nicotine Nanny Gnomes Solve the Profit Puzzle »

The Nicotine Nanny Gnomes in have figured a new way to profit on their persecution of smokers. 1. Kick smokers outside. 2. Photograph them smoking outside, eagerly waiting for them to drop a butt – then slap them with a big fine. 3. Profit!

Mandatory Neutering & Spychipping »

“HUNTINGTON BEACH – Huntington Beach is the first city in Orange County to consider a program that would make it mandatory for pet owners to spay or neuter and to have microchips inserted in their cats and dogs.” I’ve always neutered my pets because it’s The Right Thing To Do. I don’t spychip my pets, […]

Nanny Nation Notification – Across The Pond »

There appears to be a secret contest between the US and the UK over who can grow the biggest, most intrusive government. So far the UK appears to be winning, but the US isn’t too far behind. Here are just a few examples of recent nonsense from across the pond. “Parents who forbid their children […]

Surgeon General’s Warning: Congress Weasels at Work »

As always, Congress Weasels are busy screwing smokers, and the latest round of molestation includes stronger warning labels. Farkers were invited to Photoshop what the new labels should look like, and some of them are pretty funny. Personal favorites: James Bond on a pack with the warning “Smoking May Cause You To Be This Cool” […]

Silencing Studies »

Most medical journals have eagerly swallowed the junk science and outright lies of the anti-smoker crowd. This makes it nearly impossible for the opposition to be heard. One exception is the American Council on Science and Health. Michael McFadden and Dave Kuneman authored a very comprehensive study that shows the conclusions of the widely publicized […]

Mad Max in Australia »

There is something almost magical about the social aspects of Cigars and Pipes. The simple act of lighting one changes your demeanor, relaxes you, and makes you more willing, hell, more able, to consider other points of view. Conversations among cigar and pipe smokers are different and better then most smoke free conversations.   As […]

Happy Fourth »

America no longer exists, but the United States is still a pretty cool place, so the Fourth is still worth celebrating. Big fireworks displays are great fun, but they’re still a passive experience, and Lee Greenwood sucks. So be sure to blow off some of your own fireworks. Make some noise. Blow stuff up. It’s […]