Category: Nanny Nation

Congress Designs a Car »

For decades congress has been demanding that Detroit produce politically correct cars that no one wants.  But now Big Brother has the Big Three by the short and curlies, which gives them a dangerous amount of pull.  Be prepared for small, ugly, dangerous and uncomfortable vehicles that will solve the problem of automobile pollution becuase […]

Third Hand Smoke »

The war on smokers proves the axiom “The first casualty of war is the truth.” After the real dangers of primary smoking were publicized a lot of smokers quit, but not enough to satisfy the nicotine nannies, who concocted a new danger: second hand smoke. Smartenized® people know that SHS is the biggest scam since […]

Watch That Weiner »

Urologists the UK are warning parents that young boys can’t be trusted to pee on their own.  “Crush Injuries” from falling toilet seats are on the rise. They’re warning against wooden and ceramic toilet seats, and those stainless steal ones with the sharpened, perforated edges on the front are right out.  They’re advising that “soft […]

How Smoking Bans Work »

The Smoker’s Club has a great page that outlines exactly how nicotine nannies work. Check it out.

You Will Become Fat Elvis »

When Elvis was alive there were only a few professional Elvis impersonators. A few years after his death there were hundreds, then thousands. The old joke was that if the trend continued, by the turn of the century we would all be Elvis. Old jokes never die. They often become reborn as alarmist “facts” and/or […]

Healthy Kids »

The idea of letting your kids run around the neighborhood and be kids has fallen out of fashion. Parents are expected to helicopter over their larvae every waking minute. They’re expected to have them participate in games where no one keeps score and everyone gets a trophy. Those kids are now coming into the workplace […]

Nagging from a Nanny »

Visitors to The Facts send a lot of e-mail. Half of the writers love the site and say thanks, the other half hates it, hates smokers, hates freedom of choice, and especially, hates me. The fan mail is pretty varied. Some people like the stats pages, some like the study analysis, some like the list […]