Category: Junk Science

Your Wi-Fi is Making Me Sick »

Few things can make life as miserable as idiot neighbors.  Imagine someone next door demanding you give up your cell phone and wi-fi because he’s allergic to electromagnetic radiation. If you life in Santa Fe, you don’t have to imagine it.  Arthur Firstenberg is demanding his neighbors turn off everything to cater to his imaginary […]

Smokescreens »

A couple of weeks ago Rich White sent me an electronic copy of his book “Smokescreens, The Truth About Tobacco.”  It’s clear and well written and he provides a good explanation of anti-tobacco research, including not only the science, but the politics behind it.  I especially liked his chapters on second hand smoke. You can […]

Spinning the Hacked Global Warming E-Mail »

Spin is always entertaining, especially when it’s obvious and poorly done. A couple of years ago it was revealed that Al Gore, the poster child for the Global Warming Will Kill Us All movement, used thirty times more electricity at one of his three mansions than any of his neighbors.  The apologists spin was pathetic.  […]

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer – More Junk Science from the WHO »

The link between cell phones and brain cancer has been studied and studied and studied to death, and the results are conclusive:  there is no correlation between the two.  Yet the WHO, a political organization posing as a health organization, is now claiming otherwise. Let’s take a look at the actual study.  Oh, wait, we […]

More Third Hand Smoke Nonsense »

In the UK parents who smoke are being banned from seeing their kids in hospitals.  The signs are not “No Smoking,” which is perfectly reasonable in a hospital, but “No Smokers. We warned about the Third Hand Smoke scam back in January, and this video shows the real life consequences of this hateful nonsense.

Consumer Reports – Still Clueless After All These Years »

My disdain for Consumer Reports started in the late 70’s, when I was an audio salesman. They frequently gave lousy products a “Best Buy” rating. Back then audio was getting better on an almost daily basis.  All receivers and amplifiers had Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) down to a fraction of a percent.  It was amusing […]

The Nicotine Nazi Handbook »

I recently received a link to the latest Nicotine Nazi handbook (PDF).  It provides detailed, step by step plan these spineless goobers can use to coerce Big Brother into to imposing their will on business owners. I usually try to be witty and pithy in these columns, working in the clever metaphor or silly pun, […]