Category: Big Brother

Don’t Bogart that Sanitizer, My Friend »

How many mouth-breathing brain-dead adults can you find in this picture? A fourteen year old boy in Lewisville Texas applied some hand sanitizer that was on his fifth grade teachers desk.  He smelled it, but evidently inhaled too deeply. The school officials called the cops, who hauled him into the police department, photographed and fingerprinted […]

Nicotine Nazis »

Some German smokers are showing how upset they are with the new smoking ban by sporting a black t-shirt decorated with a yellow Star of David, with “Smoker” written across the star.  This has upset just about every Jewish group in existence. The smokers are in the right church, but most definitely in the wrong […]

Back Away From The Thermostat, Comrade »

Inspired, perhaps, by California counties that have made it illegal for people to smoke in their own homes, the government is eager to continue expanding their tentacles into once private residences. The California Energy Commission wants to require all new homes, and remodeled homes, have special radio controlled thermostats which Big Brother could control. First […]

Ron Paul – Nothing to Be Afraid Of »

Thoughts on the New Hampshire Primary That’s it. We’re fucked. No one had more money than Ron. No one had more grass roots support. The day before the primary Jay Leno gave him a half hour on the countries most popular late night talk show. The primary was held in the Live Free Or Die […]

Cheap Entertainment »

Raise a glass to Clifford E. Clark, who took out a traffic light camera with three rounds from a .30-06. Clark was fined $50. $50? That’s quite a bargain. Where do I sign up?

Police State Update »

If you live in Boston and think your kid might have an illegal gun stashed in his room, don’t go looking for it yourself. No, that would be too much trouble, especially when Officer Friendly is volunteering to conduct the search for you. The Boston Globe reports, “in the next two weeks, Boston police officers […]

MADD Dogs and Aliens »

Mothers Against Drunk Driving is suing Mothers Against Illegal Aliens for using “Mothers Against” in their name. Their C&D letter said “MADD cannot be associated with your organization and the use of “Mothers Against” gives a strong implication of a relationship with MADD.” Not really. As the writer of this blog discovered, a quick Google […]