Category: Big Brother

The Desperate Left »

While right-leaning opinions have always been available, the mass media has been predominately lefty for the past half century.  People on the right think it’s more lefty than it is, but that’s understandable – where you stand on the political wheel determines your perception of the other sides’ position. But the ever efficient marketplace changed […]

Michael Moore – Super Genius »

Several people sent me this article by Michael Moore.  Once again he proves that he’s not just a genus, he’s a Super Genius, on a par with Wile E. Coyote. He starts out expressing nearly orgasmic joy at the failure of GM.  He pretends he’s not really all that happy, but we can practically hear […]

Obama Raises Taxes on the Poor »

I meant to post about this when it happened a couple of weeks ago. Today I was reminded about it by a catalog from JR Cigars, announcing the 54% tax increase on cigars. Obama promised none of his tax increases would hit the poor or middle class. He lied. Surprise surprise. SCHIP was originally intended […]

Congress Designs a Car »

For decades congress has been demanding that Detroit produce politically correct cars that no one wants.  But now Big Brother has the Big Three by the short and curlies, which gives them a dangerous amount of pull.  Be prepared for small, ugly, dangerous and uncomfortable vehicles that will solve the problem of automobile pollution becuase […]

The Nanny State 2008 »

When people say “It’s a free country,” I always ask where they live, because it sure isn’t the US. I’m old enough to remember when the United States was a fairly free country, but these days just keeping track of all the assaults on our freedoms and civil rights is a full time job. And […]

Are you a TSA Employee? You can Make Money Fast, with this simple system! »

First, check out this e-bay feedback page. Note the stuff this guy is selling.  The oldest feedback available there dates to Nov 22, 2006.  Pretty impressive, right?  Guess where he got it all that fine stuff.  Your luggage.  As reported on Gadling, this guy, paid from your tax dollars to keep you safe, had no […]

You Will Become Fat Elvis »

When Elvis was alive there were only a few professional Elvis impersonators. A few years after his death there were hundreds, then thousands. The old joke was that if the trend continued, by the turn of the century we would all be Elvis. Old jokes never die. They often become reborn as alarmist “facts” and/or […]