Category: Big Brother

Ready for Black Market Butter? »

Back in 1978 F. Paul Wilson wrote Lippidleggin’, a short story about a farmer bootlegging butter and eggs, which had been banned to improve everyone’s health.  I’m guessing that back then most people thought it was entertaining, but silly. Back in 2007, with the author’s permission, I did a reading of the story for an […]

Tim Hawkins – The Government Can »

This video is getting sent all over the place.  It’s already more popular than Sex With Ducks. This guy isn’t a one hit wonder; he’s done quite a few very funny, well done parodies. You won’t fully appreciate the next one unless you’ve heard the original.  Not only is Carrie Underwood’s “Jesus Take The Wheel”  […]

Stupid Racist Conservatives »

A couple of weeks ago I noted a new tactic from Obamacare fans: writing off the arguments against it, and the people making those arguments, as stupid.  The Sunday Times Union, known to locals as the Times Useless, featured an article berating questions about socialized medicine (of course he didn’t call it that) as dumb […]

6 Reasons to Avoid the Cash For Clunkers Program »

Once again Big Brother is mucking around in the market, and once again the consequences are horrible.  Trade in your old gas guzzler for a new car and your Uncle will suck money out of your fellow tax payers’ pockets and stuff it in yours. For cars a 4 MPG increase gets you the $3500 […]

The Nicotine Nazi Handbook »

I recently received a link to the latest Nicotine Nazi handbook (PDF).  It provides detailed, step by step plan these spineless goobers can use to coerce Big Brother into to imposing their will on business owners. I usually try to be witty and pithy in these columns, working in the clever metaphor or silly pun, […]

EPA Buries Their Own Report on Global Warming »

Among the many reasons I remain skeptical about Global Warming – excuse me, Climate Change – are the veracity and agendas of those promoting it.  Government, non-government and quasi-government organizations (like the UN) are spreading fear at every opportunity while jumping on the chance to grow their power and income. The EPA has been a […]

Just Say No to Cheerios »

The FDA wants to classify Cheerios as a drug.  Really. Cheerios claims they reduce cholesterol by 4%, and therefore help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.  This led the FDA to send them a letter that said, “Based on claims made on your product’s label we have determined (Cheerios) is promoted for conditions that […]