Author Archive

Move To Somalia »

When someone says “Move To Somalia” don’t waste your time replying to them. Just send them this link and move on.

Liberals, The Recent Anti-Gay Laws Are Your Fault »

Everyone on the left is appalled at states passing anti-gay legislation. And you’re right, it is appalling and evil. And it is entirely your fault. When a very few bakers and photographers said they wouldn’t service a gay wedding, you could have responded without force. You could have spread bad publicity and organized a boycott. You’d […]

Justice Theater »

To outward appearances, the US has one justice system that serves everyone. But if you pay close attention, you’ll see that it’s a two-tier system which operates differently depending on who is being processed through it. Tier 1 is reserved for police officers. (Politicians and the very wealthy may also receive Tier 1 treatment, although […]

Blurry Lines »

Immature artists copy. Mature artists steal – Variously Ascribed The verdict on the Blurred Lines lawsuit is ridiculous. The style of both songs is similar, but you can’t copyright style. The bass lines are similar, but not the same. The melody is entirely different. The lyrics are different. This isn’t one artist going after another […]

Net Neutrality Passed. Congratulations, Idiots »

Congratulations to those who clamored for Net Neutrality. You’ve helped hand control of the internet to a federal agency that, just a few years ago, went absolutely batshit over TV showing less than a second of a forty-five-year-old nipple. Gee, if you only had the foresight to do that in 1995, today we’d have a much smaller, cleaner internet that we’d be accessing with 100k baud dial-up modems.

Politically Correct Club »

The first rule of Politically Correct Club is “Don’t talk about Politically Correct Club.” Anyone who does will be attacked and vilified for the sin of being self-critical.

Why Mandatory Labeling for GMOs is a Very Bad Idea »

Over the past twenty years, billions of people have eaten trillions of meals containing GMOs. Among all those people eating all those meals, GMOers can’t point to a single instance of anyone ever being harmed by them. Not one.