Author Archive

They Are Very Small Ducks »

Sometimes it takes forever for someone to get the joke. Update: The site is down.  You can find the same thing here.

How to Fix the CA Economy »

This is an absolutely brilliant plan to fix California’s economy.  After inventing a pesticide that’s good for people, she’ll have farmers food on fruit trees and vegetable trees.  It will be free, except for paying the farmers, who have to pay rent, although their land should be free. . . Confused?  Just watch this and […]

Have You Listened to the Blood Witness Interview? »

Just a reminder, in case you haven’t listened to my interview with PodioRacket, you can find it here. Blood Witness has received a lot of attention and kudos, and this was a fun interview that got into some of the inspiration behind the book.  Check it out.

The Nicotine Nazi Handbook »

I recently received a link to the latest Nicotine Nazi handbook (PDF).  It provides detailed, step by step plan these spineless goobers can use to coerce Big Brother into to imposing their will on business owners. I usually try to be witty and pithy in these columns, working in the clever metaphor or silly pun, […]

Avoid This Ingredient »

As an amateur chief I’m always looking for new ingredients to make my meals more interesting. For instance, one of my favorite ingredients is bulgogi sauce, a meat marinade made with Korean pear. You won’t find it in the supermarket. You’ll have to go to a store that specializes in Asian food. I don’t have […]

Novel Writing Software »

I’m about to start a novel that will have some complex characters and an intricate plot. After hearing writers sing the praises of Scrivener, which is a Mac only application, I’ve been looking for something that will do the same thing on a PC. I’d like to be able to create an outline, character files, […]

The Eighteen Million Dollar Web Site. »

This morning someone had one of those talking heads infotainment morning “news” shows on in another room, and I was half listening to a story about the stimulus bill.  Millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent on roadside signs telling us that millions of taxpayer dollars being spent on road work.  Toward the end of […]