Author Archive

More Third Hand Smoke Nonsense »

In the UK parents who smoke are being banned from seeing their kids in hospitals.  The signs are not “No Smoking,” which is perfectly reasonable in a hospital, but “No Smokers. We warned about the Third Hand Smoke scam back in January, and this video shows the real life consequences of this hateful nonsense.

Happy Blasphemy Day »

Today is Blasphemy Day because, well, just because.  The religious have a plethora of holidays to choose from, so why shouldn’t atheists, apostates and blasphemers have their own day as well? The Capital Region Atheists & Agnostics meetup group will be celebrating, of course.  Our dinner table will be decorated with butter sculptures of Christopher […]

Jem Moore on YouTube »

Just for fun let’s take a brief break from snarky rants. Jem Moore is the best hammered dulcimer player in the US, which is about a profitable as you might imagine.  (He makes his living as a pilot.)   If you search his name on You Tube you’ll find lots of people playing his compositions – […]

Media Bias »

This week we’ve seen some fine examples of media bias in action. The left wing insists that liberal bias in the mainstream media is a myth, cooked up by those horrible people at Fox.  The right wing insists that Fox is as fair and balanced as talk radio.  Both opinions are idiotic. Bias, like pornography, […]

Norman Borlaug, The Greatest Man in The History of The World, Dies »

It’s been a busy news weekend.  Kanye West set a new record in his endless series of records for douchbaggery.  Serena Williams had a tantrum and discovered her inner child has a potty mouth.  And the demonstration in DC had the media fighting over who could do a better job of displaying their bias.  The […]

Writing – Getting the Details Right »

Jefferson picked up the intact motorcycle and examined it in the moonlight.  “This is great!  I wonder where that dirtball got a hold of this beauty.  Check this out, Catherine, it’s a 1957 Harley 74 Panhead with a Fat Bob gas tank.  What a great crotch rocket.” TNT’s show “Leverage” features some great characters and […]

Tim Hawkins – The Government Can »

This video is getting sent all over the place.  It’s already more popular than Sex With Ducks. This guy isn’t a one hit wonder; he’s done quite a few very funny, well done parodies. You won’t fully appreciate the next one unless you’ve heard the original.  Not only is Carrie Underwood’s “Jesus Take The Wheel”  […]