Author Archive

One million jobs “Saved or Created” for $160,000 Each »

The White House claims that 640,329 jobs have been saved or created by the stimulus package. I love the “saved or created” scam.  While it’s possible to count how many jobs were created, it’s impossible to calculate how many were saved.   This lets them pull any numbers they like out of their ass and brag […]

Living in The Past »

The only thing more annoying than listening to old people bitch about how the past was so much better is catching yourself doing the same thing.  “Today’s music sucks and they don’t make movies like they used to and people are so much nastier now and kids dress like slobs and waaaaaa…. There are quite […]

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer – More Junk Science from the WHO »

The link between cell phones and brain cancer has been studied and studied and studied to death, and the results are conclusive:  there is no correlation between the two.  Yet the WHO, a political organization posing as a health organization, is now claiming otherwise. Let’s take a look at the actual study.  Oh, wait, we […]

Islam and Free Speech »

I love this guy. After you’ve watched this video, check out the others in his series.

7th Son Released Next Tuesday »

It starts with an eight year old assassinating the president of the United States.  Then 7 men are kidnapped from various places in the country and brought to a secret underground facility.  They discover they all have the same name, and the same face. Then it gets weird. J. C. Hutchen’s 7th Son was the […]

Developers: How to Make Your Games Suck Less »

I’ve never paid full price for a computer game.  I’m one of the guys who waits until a game has been out for a while and is available for half price or less. Still, I’m one of your customers who buys instead of bootlegs, and I have several suggestions for removing some of the suck […]

Lot’s More Things Atheists Didn’t Do »

More of your favorite feature, folks. . . A Missouri High School band designed t-shirts that showed the evolution of man and the evolution of band instruments.  A few days after they were distributed the school received complaints from concerned parents, who were not atheists, who claimed the shirts violated the school’s mandate to stay […]