Author Archive

Things Atheists Didn’t Do in 2009, Part 2 »

As promised, here’s the second half of the TADD list from 2009.  This are culled from the second half of last years leftover bookmarks.  They document all kinds of things things done by believers, from the horrific to the hilarious. A group of 35 clerics in Saudi Arabia has declared that no woman should ever […]

Homeopathic Smoking »

Last year the nicotine nannies (NNs) took their Second Hand Smoke nonsense a step further and announced that third hand smoke (THS?) was deadly.   The evidence consisted of someone doing a survey, asking people if they believed this nonsense, then presenting that as scientific proof.   “Journalists” ran with the story, declaring that smokers who had […]

Bend Over, Pipe Smokers »

Throughout his campaign LMO promised he wouldn’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $250k/year.  The *first* thing he did in office was raise the tax on roll your own tobacco by an astounding 2,159%.  It’s a pretty safe bet RYO smokers are making a *bit* less than a quarter million bucks a year. (BTW, […]

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign »

Those of us who are fond of reality make the mistake of using logic and reason to deal with religious nutters in an attempt to show them their conclusions are flawed.  (We use the term “flawed” because it’s impolite to use the more accurate term: “fucking stupid.”)  We can be persuaded by logic and reason, […]

How to Do a News Clip »

Hat Tip: Hayden Black of the very funny Goodnight Burbank.

Lefty Lamentations »

This has been a very bad week for the left.  They’ve received bitch slaps from three different directions, but only one of them will have any lasting impact. The Democrats lost Ted Kennedy’s senate seat in one of the nation’s most liberal states, a state that already has its own version of Obamacare. (Which has […]

Ready for Black Market Butter? »

Back in 1978 F. Paul Wilson wrote Lippidleggin’, a short story about a farmer bootlegging butter and eggs, which had been banned to improve everyone’s health.  I’m guessing that back then most people thought it was entertaining, but silly. Back in 2007, with the author’s permission, I did a reading of the story for an […]