Author Archive

Four Chord Pop Music »

Four Chord Pop Music Let me tell ya, Sonny, when I was a boy, we only needed three chords for all our rock and roll songs. We could play every song with those same three chords.  But that’s not good enough for you.  You use got to use the same four cords for everything. Pfft. […]

Pat Condell: What I Know about Islam »

Pat Condell is consistently terrific, and his latest is even better than usual.

So A Gorilla Goes to a Fire. . . »

This may be the best news photo and caption ever published: Yes, it’s real. If I’d been in the neighborhood I’d have immediately bought the guy in the gorilla suit a beer.  I’ve always appreciated people who go out of their way to make things a bit more surreal.

How Important is Consensus? »

In 1973, I was a high school senior filling my schedule with easy classes. The cult I was in had been teaching me public speaking since I was 12, so I took a public speaking class to get an easy A. My final speech, for my final grade, was about why evolution was wrong and […]

Help me Pick a Surveillance Camera »

I need some advice about home security cameras. Relatives are having trouble with a persistent and nasty vandal. They know who he is, but he strikes randomly and at night and they can’t prove he’s the culprit. They want to photograph him in the act. A few clear photos, or a video, combined with his […]

The Neverending Story »

I usually try to mix things up in the Things Atheists Didn’t Do stories.  I’ll list different religions and mix a few silly, amusing things in with the horrific crimes committed in the name of a god.  But the mess in the Catholic Church has resulted in so many bizarre stories it deserves a post […]

Never Talk to the Police »

What’s the best response when a cop asks you something? Silence, or a short, polite non-answer. Shut up. Just. Shut. Up. The police are not your friends. They are not there to protect you. They are there to arrest you, convict you, and take your money or your freedom or both. You should be polite […]