The Words They Used

This graphic from the New York Times compares the which words and phrases were used most often at the Democratic and Republican conventions.

Interesting, but, of course, it’s all just yammer. We have a choice between a Big Government socialist and a Big Government Fascist. They’re not intentionally socialist or fascist. Both of them are decent people and it would be fun to have a beer with either of them. But the policies they favor are all about socalism and fachism, and as far away from the constution as they can get.

1 Comment(s)

  1. Speaking of the constitution. I didn’t see that that was mentioned once unless the NYT squashed it but I don’t recall hearing it once myself.
    Actually the only time I heard the constitution mentioned at all during this whole season was from Ron Paul. I believe Barr mentioned it too but I am not sure since he doesn’t make the news that often, too bad.

    Tom | Sep 8, 2008 | Reply

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