Astounding Ignorance
By Dave Hitt on Aug 12, 2008 in Amusing
What’s the best thing to do if you think rainbows are caused by polution in the air and water?
Why, put a video on YouTube, of course.
It’s a Conspiracy, I tell you.
A Conspiracy!
Found here.
Oh my god! This is the most wonderful example of half-assed logic I’ve heard in a long while!!
I’m over 30, and I KNOW that sprays of water produced rainbows when I was a kid in the single digits! (20 years ago, as per this woman’s assertion) It’s not mysterious, sunlight refracting against water droplets is what CAUSES rainbows!
Perhaps when this woman was a younger they had a sprinkler system that shot water in distinct jets rather than in a spray…
Parrot | Aug 13, 2008 | Reply
Wow, she’s great. Waiting for FOX to pick this up: terrorists are infiltrating our water supply with rainbows!
Sylvia | Aug 13, 2008 | Reply
WOW!!! I have no other words to say except it is scary that people like this can vote………
Tom | Aug 13, 2008 | Reply