This All Makes Perfect Sense, Right?

I had some good friends visiting, a couple I truly loved.  I told them, “You can eat anything in the house, anything at all, except the apples in the fridge.”  Then I left them alone for a while.

I came back to find they’d eaten the apples, and were hiding from me in my wife’s sewing room, where they had quickly stitched together some new clothes.

I could have forgiven them.  Perhaps I should have.  But instead I kicked them out into the winter weather, and cursed them, and condemned them and their children and their children’s children to lives of misery for thousands of years.

Now the only solution is to kill my kid.  Who is really me.  It gets so confusing.  But this all makes perfect sense, right?

I had some good friends visiting, a couple I truly loved. I told them, “You can eat anything in the house, anything at all, except the apples in the fridge.” Then I left them alone for a while.

I came back to find they’d eaten the apples, and were hiding from me in my wife’s sewing room, where they had quickly stitched together some new clothes.

I could have forgiven them. Perhaps I should have. But instead I kicked them out into the winter weather, and cursed them, and condemned them and their children and their children’s children to lives of misery for thousands of years.

Now the only solution is to kill my kid. Who is really me. It gets so confusing. But this all makes perfect sense, right?

9 Comment(s)

  1. Every time I hear of the “Trials of Job”, which is far too often, it reminds me of the 2 old guys in the movie Trading Places making a bet for a dollar. Who cares if it ruins someone’s life?

    Brian Riley | Jan 21, 2011 | Reply

  2. The Bible *does* say that God is hopelessly incomprehensible to us mortals…

    Frungi | Jan 21, 2011 | Reply

  3. I am responding to the obvious Dave,

    “Dinish continues: “So while Christianity introduced into Western civilization the concept of dignity of human life. . .” So the concept of the dignity of human life didn’t exist before Christianity came along? Perhaps he should read some history”.

    Indeed, the concept of dignity existed long before “Christianity” came along, but I just don’t understand your point? What am I missing?

    Gary Bovey | Jan 23, 2011 | Reply

  4. Gary, I’m not sure what you’re asking, or how it relates to this post. We’re you, perhaps, responding to a different article here (or elsewhere)?

    Hittman | Jan 23, 2011 | Reply

  5. This one, I believe:

    Frungi | Jan 24, 2011 | Reply

  6. Dave,

    I just came across this by accident. From time to time something of interest catches my eye, I make a comment, and move on. Christianity seems to be a hinge pin for a lot of things and is the source of no end of controversy. If I remember, the comment arose out of something on Dinesh Dsouza and a post you had made.

    Gary Bovey | Feb 27, 2011 | Reply

  7. To be frank, this is a very poor analogy to the Judeo-Christian creation story. And that’s all it is.

    BillyJoe | Mar 2, 2011 | Reply

  8. Well Frank, It’s not really an analogy. It’s the exact same story, just told slightly differently.

    Dave Hitt | Mar 3, 2011 | Reply

  9. I like Dennis Miller’s take one this. It went something like: If you don’t believe a tall tale about a man who walked on water and performed miracles God will send you to Hell where you’ll endure an eternity of burning agony and torment … because He loves you!

    MPH | Mar 20, 2011 | Reply

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